Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Parents

Nothing new, nothing sensational to reveal.

Today as I usually do, while travelling to office in public transport that takes up to 45 minutes of my time to commute, i was reading this interesting book by Mitch Albom, the five people you meet in Heaven - an extremely unique way of story telling, I came across these verses, which brought tears to my eyes - not something that we dont know of, but seeing it so beautifully expressed in words woke me up.

So here i am quoting, page 133 from the book.

"Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them - a mother's approval, a father's nod - are covered bymoments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their stories and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.

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